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HRT launches Corazón Campaign

“La vida comienza con un latido del corazón, pero algunos demócratas no tienen un corazón."

(Life begins with a heart beat but some Democrats don’t have a heart.)

Our Mission 

The Supreme Court handed us a victory for Life. Now it's our responsibility to continue defending that victory!

Something we’ve learned over the years is that many Hispanics don’t really know where the Democrat party stands on important issues.

HRT has launched a new Corazón Campaign to educate Hispanic voters about the Democrat Party’s values – starting with babies and preserving life.  The Democrat Party and many of its leaders support abortion, in some cases, up to a child’s birth. Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden claim to be Catholics but support this despicable practice.

Corazón Campaign

Our Vision


These billboards in Spanish and English will educate and remind pro-life and pro-family Hispanics that Democrats support this despicable practice.  


To effectively run this campaign we  need to raise an average of $10 in small dollar donations from just 5,000 conservatives.

Hispanic voters need to know this and Democrats up and down the ballot need to be held accountable.


The message is direct and pointed – but there can be no doubt about safeguarding the most vulnerable among us.


Can you chip in today? Every penny counts!


As conservative Pro-Life Republicans, we cannot let our guard down. 
The Democrats are not done fighting for abortion.

Democrats are not done with abortion.  They will not rest until we return to a culture of death for the unborn.  Even now, they are looking to end the Senate Filibuster, pack the Supreme Court and any other means necessary to undo our Victory for Life.

The recent Supreme Court decision is only the first step in our fight for the unborn.  Now it is our RESPONSIBILITY to MAKE CERTAIN Pro-Life Republicans are elected in November.

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Paid for by the Hispanic Republicans of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee

© 2024 Hispanic Republicans of Texas PAC


512-257-8559   |

P.O. Box 28881 | Austin, Texas | 78755

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